How To Clean Blood Off Deer Antlers

Deer antlers are a famous hunting trophy, but they can be challenging to clean if you don’t know how. If you’ve ever hunted deer, you know there will inevitably be some blood on the antlers. How do you clean deer blood off antlers? 

Like most hunters, you’ll also want to know how to properly clean the blood off deer antlers. And The excellent news is that it’s not too difficult – a few different methods can be used, depending on your available materials.

This blog post will discuss the best ways to clean deer antlers using everyday household items. We will teach you how to clean blood and other debris off deer antlers without boiling them or using harsh chemicals. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

How To Clean Deer Antlers Without Boiling

Clean Blood Off Deer Antlers

Before you start, it’s essential to know that boiling is the best way to clean deer antlers. But it is not always necessary to clean deer antlers. However, if you don’t want to boil them or don’t have the means to do so, there are other methods you can use-

  • Use Toothbrush & Dish Soap

One is to use a toothbrush and dish soap to clean them. Soak the antlers in a water and dish soap solution for a few minutes, then use a toothbrush to scrub away any remaining dirt or tissue.

  • Soak Them in Vinegar

Another is to soak them in vinegar, then scrub them with a toothbrush. If you’re looking for a more natural way to clean deer antlers, you can try mixing vinegar and water. Soak the antlers in the mixture for about 24 hours, then scrub them with a brush.

  • Soak Them in Hydrogen Peroxide

Yet another is to soak them in hydrogen peroxide for a while, then scrub them with a toothbrush. If the antlers are particularly dirty, you can also try using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water. Pour the solution over the antlers and allow it to sit for a few minutes before brushing them. Guard your eyes against the hydrogen peroxide, as it will trigger discomfort.

Finally, you can use water and dish soap to rinse them off. Whichever method you choose, rinse the antlers thoroughly afterward, so all the cleaning chemicals are removed.

How To Clean Deer Antlers And Skull

Deer antlers and skulls can make for great decor in your home, but they can be challenging to clean. This is a guide on how to clean deer antlers and skulls step by step.

  1. Begin by removing flesh still attached to the antlers or skull. This can be done with a sharp knife or by boiling the antlers/skull in water for a few minutes.
  2. Fill a pot large enough to contain the skull with hot water and simmer and Immerse the skull in the pot. Leave the skull for 2-3 hours to relax the muscle tissue beneath. The flesh should easily separate from the skull when it is ready.
  3. Once the flesh is removed, you must whiten the antlers/skull. This can be done by soaking them in a bleach and water solution or using a commercial whitening product.
  4. To complete the process, you will need to remove any remaining residue from the antlers/skull once they have turned white. You can clean this by scrubbing it with a stiff brush and detergent or by sandblasting.
  5. When the antlers/skull are clean, you can seal them. This will help to protect them from dirt and moisture. Sealing can be done with a clear lacquer or polyurethane.

Now that you know how to clean deer antlers and skulls, you can enjoy your beautiful decor for many years.

How To Clean Green Off Deer Antlers

Cleaning green off deer antlers can be a bit tricky. Here are a few tips to help you get the job done:

One way is to use a blow dryer. Blow the heat onto the antlers, and the green will eventually fall off. If the antlers are very dirty, you may need to scrub them with a soft brush.

Another way is to soak the antlers in a bucket of warm water. The warmth will loosen the green and make it easier to remove. Use a soft brush or cloth to scrub away the green material.

A final and probably safest way is to soak the antlers in vinegar for a few hours. The vinegar will break down the green and make it easier to remove. After soaking, use a brush or your fingers to scrub off any remaining green residue.

If necessary, use a mild detergent or soap to help remove any remaining stains. Rinse the antlers thoroughly and allow them to dry completely before mounting them.

How To Clean Deer Antlers Found In The Woods

How To Clean Deer Antlers Found In The Woods

If you find deer antlers while hiking or hunting in the woods, you can clean them using some simple supplies that you may have at home.

The best way to clean it is to use hot water and soap. First, use a pot or pan to boil water and pour it over the antlers to soften the tissue. And then, use a wire brush to scrub away any dirt or debris. The antler may be a bit slimy when wet, but that will go away when it’s dry.

You can use bleach to clean it by soaking the horns in a bleach solution (one part bleach to 10 parts water) for about 30 minutes. But rinse it off well afterward with water. Wipe off with a clean cloth. Allow them to dry completely before storing them.

Another method is cleaning with water, vinegar, and baking soda. To do this:

  1. Submerge the deer antlers in the water.
  2. Add vinegar & baking soda to the water.
  3. Let the deer antlers soak in the mixture for at least 24 hours.
  4. Rinse the deer antlers with clean water.

The deer antlers will be clean and white once you’re done.

How To Clean Deer Antlers With Borax

The borax powder aids in drying and consuming any flesh left on the antlers. Allow the powder to sit on the antlers’ tips for a few hours.

The most common method for removing meat and flesh from a skull is to submerge it in water containing borax. To clean deer antlers with borax:

  • First, you will need to gather your supplies. You will need an enormous container, borax, and water.
  • Next, you will need to mix the borax and water.
  • Once the borax is dissolved, you must add your antlers.
  • Ensure the water level covers the entire skull cap, then add 20 mule team borax.
  • Let the antlers soak for 24 hours. After that, remove the antlers from the mixture and rinse them.
  • Use a wire brush to clean the borax powder and remaining flesh off the antlers. Dip the wire brush in water and scrub any remaining powder or flesh. Continue to clean with the wire brush until the antler base is free of flesh.

You may need to repeat this process a few times to clean the antlers. It is essential to wear rubber gloves when you are applying the powder to avoid coming into contact with the antlers.

Deer Antlers

How To Clean Deer Antlers With Bleach

Whitening deer antlers with bleach is a reasonably straightforward process. You can clean deer antlers with bleach by mixing one bleach with nine parts of water.

To do this, Mix up a batch of bleach and water solution (1 part bleach to 10 parts water), and soak the antlers in the solution for about 15-20 minutes. Afterward, scrub the antlers with a brush to remove any remaining bleaching agents, and then rinse them off with clean water. Finally, allow them to air dry. If you’d like, you can apply a coat of furniture wax or sealant to help protect the whitened finish.


Will Peroxide Hurt Antlers?

No, it won’t hurt the antlers. If there is blood on the antlers, you can use peroxide to clean them. It’s a good disinfectant.

It doesn’t damage the antlers and leaves them with a shiny coat after cleaning. If you’re concerned about the hydrogen peroxide coming into contact with the antlers or bases, wrap them tightly in tinfoil or plastic wrap.

Can You Dye Deer Antlers?

It is possible to dye deer antlers, but it is a complex and time-consuming process.

The main challenge in dyeing deer antlers is the fact that they are porous. This means that the dye can seep through the surface of the antlers and into the bone, making it difficult to stain evenly. In addition, deer antlers are covered in a layer of keratin, making them resistant to most dyes.

Some people have successfully dyed deer antlers using a two-part process. The first step is to allow the antlers to sit in a mixture of water and vinegar for several hours. This helps to open up the pores on the surface of the antlers and makes them more receptive to the dye.

The second step involves applying the paint to the antlers and letting it sit for several hours. Once the stain has had time to set, you can rinse off the excess and allow the antlers to dry.


So, now you know how to clean deer antlers with different methods. All the methods we’ve listed are relatively simple and shouldn’t take more than an hour or two to complete, depending on the number of antlers you have. Hopefully, one of these methods will work well for you, and your antlers will be good as new in no time.

Whether you’re preparing them for a taxidermy project or want to keep them clean and free of bacteria, following these simple steps will help make the process quick and easy.

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