Dead Deer In Yard-What Are The Steps You Need To Take?

A dead deer in your yard is one of the most bizarre natural phenomena. And when you find it, you must remove the dead deer’s body as early as possible. Otherwise, if the decomposition starts, it will pollute the whole yard area.

You can do two things to a dead deer’s body. First, you can dig an adequate hole in the ground far away from home. After that, bury the deer. It is also noteworthy that some states have strict regulations regarding this phenomenon.

The risk of being infected by many diseases from dead deer is not a rare case. So, you can only bury if you detect the decomposition state. Other than this, the best solution is to call the Critter control to handle the total problem.

Here are the steps we explain below what you need to do if you find a dead deer in the yard.

Take Proper Steps According If You Find A Dead deer In Yard

Dead deer

Generally, there are plenty of reasons behind them. You can find a wounded or dead deer in your yard or garden chased by a pack of wolves or other predators.

After being chased or wounded, they usually take shelter in human society and drop their last breath. Eventually, that’s how the dead beer problem begins.

Primitive Step

The entire US has a set of strict regulations regarding wildlife animals. Therefore, you must know if you find a dead deer in yard who to call; otherwise, you may face the penalty due to not removing the dead body.

However, one rule is prevalent for all that is contacting the wildlife agency. You need to seek the closest wildlife agency and tell them about the problem related to dead or sick deer.

Since there is a significant chance of spreading some diseases through a dead deer, you can also contact the local health department.

They will either take action immediately or inform the correct personnel to knock down the problem. One more thing you must keep in mind is that they can investigate the incident, which is time-consuming and sometimes a hassle for busy individuals.

In the end, inform the authorities mentioned above whenever you find a dead deer as early as possible. Delays in this problem can be hazardous to your home’s outdoor and indoor environment.

Finding The Contact Information

Each state of the United States of America has a department that works for environmental protection. Here is a straightforward solution for you.

Firstly, open your mobile or computer browser. After that, search for the department of environmental protection. It would be best if you had the name of the state that you are currently living in. If you are from Newyork, you write NYC. For New Jersey, write NJ.

The hotline number of the state environmental protection will be visible within a short while. Again, you can also seek help from the local health department. They will inform the department about the problem.

If You Are Out Of Help From Local Wildlife

Another incident that can occur while experiencing a dead deer is that govt personnel may not respond to you quickly. Or your home is far away from their immediate reach. So, where to take dead deer?

Our recommendation is not to touch the dead body. But if it is causing problems in your daily movements, you can take steps with consciousness.

The self-cleaning process will require help since a deer can weigh up to 160 lbs. All you need to do is to dig an adequate place to bury the whole deer. It is better to use mechanical objects like cranes.

Later, sanitize the crane to kill the germs that may come from dead deer. In addition, the location of the burying must be far away from home. At least 1 mile away.


Who picks up dead deer in NC?

Answer: If you find a dead deer in your yard or somewhere, you must report it to the Dead Animal Removal agency. The North Carolina agency is known as Raleigh, and the contact information is 919-996-3245.

Who picks up dead deer in PA?

Answer: In Pennsylvania, the dead deer occurrence is pretty standard. In this case, you can ask the department of transportation to help. This problem is also encountered as a road-fixing issue. And the contact number is 717-412-5300.

Who picks up dead deer in NJ?

Answer: In New Jersey, you will be required to inform the authority of the transportation department. You will perceive the pickup services as soon as possible. And the contact number is 609-588-6211.


If you reside next to any jungle or park area, this phenomenon means dead deer in yard are pretty prevalent to you. So, you must always keep the local health authority’s number to avoid unwanted circumstances.

Moreover, you must not delay a bit to call the authorities if you find this occurrence. The start of decomposition will start spreading the odor and germs drastically.

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