How to Approach a Deer Without it Running Away

Seeing a deer from a close distance is an experience anyone will cherish. Gaining this fantastic experience can, however, be a daunting task. The wild animals are scared off, so you can quickly lose sight of them if you’re not meticulously alert.

Anyways, have you ever approached a deer? If you have, you know the deal. Coming to a deer can be a frustrating experience, but this doesn’t have to be so. We’ll share some tips on approaching a deer without it running away. We will also find out if coming to a deer is safe.

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The Best Ways to Approach a Deer Without It Running Away

The Best Ways to Approach a Deer Without it Running Away

1. Remain quiet

Deers are beautiful, cautious animals. Even the slightest noise will send them gallowing away, so if you want to look closer at them, remain calm. Try not to talk loudly or step on anything that would make noise. 

2. Move slowly

Walking fast gives deers the feeling that you are a threat they should run away from. So, if you want to approach a deer, stroll. Please do not give them any chance to panic. It would be best to be patient and cautious when you want to witness something as beautiful as a deer.

3. Walk backwards

When you approach a deer, walk backwards. If you move with your back to them, they will think that you’re walking away from them. And they will also be less worried about being attacked. This is a trick often used by horse trainers to tame wild horses.  

4. Avoid looking directly at them

When you look at them directly, it clearly shows that you’re interested in them. You can trick them into believing that you are not if you look off to one side. If you look at them, do it from the corner of your eyes. You can still watch them as long as they don’t notice you see them. Predators are the only ones who keep an eye on deer. They won’t think they’re about to be your next meal if you pretend to be looking elsewhere.

5. Walk at an angle to one side

Deers think that only predators move directly toward them, so they will run away if they see you do it. You need to ensure they don’t see you moving directly to them. You can do it if you move at an angle to the right or left. This way, they won’t notice when you move closer to them slowly.

6. Remember to put your arms down

When you keep your arms down, you appear smaller than you are. If a deer sees you with your arms raised, they mistake you for a big cat ready to pounce. This will instinctively drive them off.

7. Stop periodically to examine the ground

This one slows you down and gives the impression that you’re not interested in them. It also leads them to believe you’re not a cunning predator looking for prey. Check whether they’re becoming more agitated and ready to flee. Stop and do this whenever they appear to be about to run. The more you do it, the better you’ll judge when to do it.

8. Walk with your head down

When the deers see your head down, they relax because they think you’re not targeting them. You can use this opportunity to approach further closer. Remember that you can see them just fine if you look at them out of the corner of your eye.

9. Appear small

If you want to approach a deer, try to look small. This way, the deer wouldn’t be threatened to see your figure. I remember taking photos of a deer kneeling. It worked surprisingly well because the deer remained calm and started grazing on the grass before it.

10. Hide

The deers are less likely to flee if they can’t see you. You can use the cover of trees to get close enough to watch or take a photo of them. Once undercover, you can use the abovementioned techniques to get your job done.

Is it safe to approach a deer?

By nature, white-tailed deer are not violent creatures. They are most likely to flee if they have to choose between the option of fight and flight. Like most animals, a white-tailed doe can become violent if she believes her young are in danger.

Indeed, the majority of reports of aggressiveness occur in fawning areas. It’s unusual for a buck to assault a person. The IDNR described the much-publicized attack on a local dog in 2009 as an “extremely uncommon and isolated incident.”

Is it safe to approach a deer?

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Watching a deer closely is a very calming experience, but it comes at an intense level of caution. Following the tips above will make it easier for you to approach a deer without it running away.

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