How To Score A Mule Deer – Find The Optimal Steps To Measure And Score

Assessing the score regarding mule deer is habitually irksome. There are a ton of people with experience who can jabber. However, there are different issues that juvenile trackers face regarding how to score. The basics are constantly the same.

To measure a mule deer, you will require some instruments. However, the gadgets are easily accessible. Likewise other days, today, we will uncover all the little concealing spots about the assessment of how to score a mule deer.

How To Score A Mule Deer – All The Best Ways To Find The Score


Hunting a deer and measuring the score with the antler is a regular task for hunters. It could look like a rigid endeavor to perform, regardless, with the right gadgets including inch tape, you can do it easily.

Therefore, all you need to do is to follow the steps that are mentioned below to find the scores from the mule deer.

  • After the hunting framework, you need to set up the tusks. Overall, what trackers do is cut the horn district directly following hunting the tusk. Put the whole horn of the deer on a table and start assessing with tape. Right after setting up the prong, take the inch tape and measure inside the essential bar. By and by what the result comes, bring that into a note.
  • From the spot where the central bar starts, start assessing through an inch of tape. In addition, note the outright crawl down. By and by notice, there is a little horn that rises up out of the important support point. It is called G1.

Generally, it is the most diminutive prong of a buck’s head. From the most elevated mark of the G1 tusk, start assessing to the uttermost furthest reaches of the G1. You will see a number.

  • Find the longest tusk on the head that comes from the essential shaft which is G2. From the most elevated mark of it to the getting point along with the crucial shaft, you can start assessing the G2.
  • Another horn comes from the G2 tusk, which is the G3. As of now measure from the most elevated place of it to the finish point. Be wary, don’t add the G2 prong locale. It will be a basic goof if you count this district since it is viewed as G2.

Following observing the general huge number of prongs’ assessments, you will see that one of the tusks is left to process. That tusk is called G4. By and by, like various horns, measure this one also and note it down. There are an amount of four peripheries. The first is H1. You will find the assessing point on where G1 starts. Measure the edge and note it down.

  • Between the H1 point and the joining point of G2, you really want to check the H2, which is at the focal point of the tusk. From the essential shaft, you will join two areas. The G2 and G3 districts are joined by H3, so measure and note the number.

As of now process the G4 joining area and note it as the H4 frame. Likewise, this is the last point you truly need to measure.


What is a Mule Deer?

A Mule Deer is a species of deer that is native to western North America. They are known for their large ears, which resemble those of a mule, hence the name. They have a brown or gray coat and a white rump patch. They are typically found in mountainous or hilly regions and are known for their agility and speed.

Mule Deer are native to western North America
They are known for their large ears, which resemble those of a mule
They have a brown or gray coat and a white rump patch

What are the best hunting methods for Mule Deer?

The best hunting methods for Mule Deer vary depending on the terrain and the time of year. In mountainous regions, spot-and-stalk hunting can be effective, as the deer are typically found on high ridges or in rocky outcroppings. In hilly regions, still-hunting or stalking can be effective, as the deer are typically found in thick brush or wooded areas.

In the early season, calling or rattling can be effective, as the deer are more vocal and active. In the late season, hunting over a food source, such as a field of alfalfa or a cut grain field, can be effective, as the deer are more focused on feeding.

1. Spot-and-stalk hunting is effective in mountainous regions
2. Still-hunting or stalking is effective in hilly regions
3. Calling or rattling can be effective in the early season
4. Hunting over a food source can be effective in the late season

What equipment do I need to hunt Mule Deer?

The equipment needed to hunt Mule Deer varies depending on the hunting method and the terrain. However, some essential items include a rifle or bow, ammunition or arrows, a hunting license, a hunting tag, a pair of binoculars, a spotting scope, a hunting knife, a compass or GPS, a backpack, and appropriate clothing and footwear. It’s also a good idea to bring a first aid kit and a means of communication, such as a cell phone or a two-way radio.

1. Rifle or bow, ammunition or arrows
2. Hunting license, hunting tag
3. Binoculars, spotting scope
4. Hunting knife, compass, or GPS
5. Backpack, appropriate clothing, and footwear
6. First aid kit, means of communication

What are the most important safety precautions when hunting Mule Dee

Safety is of the utmost importance when hunting Mule Deer. Some of the most important safety precautions include knowing and following all hunting regulations, carrying the appropriate hunting equipment, and wearing appropriate clothing and footwear

Final Verdict

After going through this article, we are pretty sure that it is easier to find the total score. We also firmly believe you can measure after knowing how to score a mule deer. Starting there forward, total all of the numbers. It suggests the inch or class of deer head. For example, 200, 190, 300, and others.

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