What Does a 140 Deer Look Like

What Does a 140 Deer Look Like?

When you hunt down a 140 buck and get confused- don’t be! It’s because the hunt is worth your time and worth all the attention of your hunter friends that you are going to get soon! What does a 140 deer look like– big and worthy! 140 Buck Looks So, the first question to a …

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Why do Deer Blow

Learn Everythings: Why do Deer Blow?

You are hunting deer on a weekend and you are close to the deer already. After a while of noticing the deer, you suddenly see it blowing- the loud, explosive sound. Why do deer blow suddenly? Is there any specific reason for this? Do they know you are close? Does a deer blow only in …

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150 Class Whitetail Deer

150 Class Whitetail Deer

When you know the spread of the deer you just hunted, you can easily score it by measuring beam length, tine length, and estimating mass. Or you can settle for the shortcut if they are symmetrical. But wait what if it is a 150 class whitetail deer? Aren’t you interested to measure it accurately? Here …

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130 Class Whitetail Deer

130 Class Whitetail Deer

Whenever you hunt down a beautiful whitetail buck, your eyes will be on your trophy, no doubt. And if you share it with your fellow hunters, the first thing you need to answer is what the score is. For a 130 class whitetail deer or any others like this, you might not know how to …

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120 Class Whitetail Deer

120 Class Whitetail Deer

At times, when you hunt down a whitetail deer, you see that there are differences between one side of the rack of your deer and the other. We are talking about the 120 class whitetail deer here. However, if you ask us about a good deer score, it won’t be less than 25 inches. Then …

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110 Class Whitetail Deer

110 Class Whitetail Deer

If you are a professional, killing or hunting a 110 class buck isn’t something to brag about! But if you are a new hunter and you are trying your luck, you can enjoy hunting a 110 Class whitetail deer for sure! Here, we will tell you how you can score it to enter the world …

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How Old do Deer Live

How Old do Deer Live in the Wild

The oldest deer on the earth called Bambi lived more than 31 years, from 1963 to 1995. As fascinating as it sounds, it is not the case for all the deer around the earth. Deer have a short lifespan and also, the lifespan varies from species to species, type to type! In captivity, a deer …

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Do Female Deer Have Antlers

Do Female Deer Have Antlers

We can easily decide which one is a buck or stag and which one’s a doe by looking at the antlers deer have! That’s because we all know that only male deer can have antlers. But have you ever imagined a female deer with antlers on its head? Most probably you haven’t thought about it …

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